Asset Recovery

As your Lifecycle Asset Management partner, DNI will provide you with accurate real time market pricing information which is vital for maximizing Asset Recovery. We will keep you aware of market trends in Data Networking Hardware as well as in products that come available on the secondary market that may coincide with your technology expansion/ migration plans.
Start with a FREE Fair Market Analysis for asset recovery of your existing Routers, Switches, and Access Servers.
Secondary Market Valuation:
Like many High Ticket assets, Network gear looses a decent percentage of its value the second the item is received. After that, there is generally a leveling off period before the dramatic, usually abrupt drop in value.
With a Fair Market Value Analysis, DNI will allow you to stay ahead of the curve by helping you identify the window of opportunity prior to this devaluation. Network Managers and Financial Directors can then take advantage of this value window through an Asset Recovery Program.
If you are planning to expand or upgrade within the next year or two it may be cost effective to push that plan up to ‘Now”. In a year or two, the value window may have passed on your current equipment, leaving them worthless.
Even if you are not ready to sell, send us an inventory of your Network for a FREE asset evaluation. You will be furnished with a detailed Market analysis on the TRUE current value of your Network equipment. This will give you all the necessary info you need to make educated decisions on current and future Network changes.
It will help you answer questions such as:
“Should I Sell my Network equipment NOW, before the equipment losses MORE value?”
“Is NOW the right time to Trade in my current used network equipment and gain value towards necessary upgrades and additions”
“Would it help to move my excess equipment off premises now, while keeping them on the books, on a Consignment plan and regain valuable real-estate?”